Individual corporate/institutional executives will be assessed based on the following criteria

Adherence to the Business Vision
A top tier corporate/institutional executive is required to have a vision for the enterprise or at least understand and accept the vision of its owners, as an appointed manager. Indeed the executive is expected to contribute to the overall vision driving the activities of the enterprise since the vision for the business is the key influence on its strategic positioning, its growth and expansion and its operating model. Therefore, the contributions of a nominee to the corporate vision of the enterprise/institution he or she leads, and the contributions to the pursuit and attainment of that vision is a crucial criterion in the assessments made by our Award Jurists

Technical Knowledge
This aspect of the assessment considers the level of technical knowledge exhibited by the nominee of the industry in which the corporation/institution is engaged. While executive level managers are often largely organizers of staff, including technical people (such as engineers, technicians, accountants, economists, administrators etc.) they are required to exhibit at least a minimum understanding of the core technicalities of the business, in order to organize and supervise the day to day operations of the business as well as engage in the strategic business required for business growth. Therefore, our assessments consider the degree of technical knowledge of the specific business lines of an enterprise shown by a nominee. Where the executive level manager provides professional service to a conglomerate or group of companies engaged in diverse activities, the nominee is still required to possess some degree of understanding of each business line, although the more diverse the business lines are, the less the degree of technical knowledge required of each line of business activity.

Personal Conduct
The personal conduct of nominees is also a key factor for consideration, measured by qualitative assessments of a nominee’s personal integrity, personal relationships with professional colleagues and other people interacted with in the course of business/economic activities, as well as assessments of a nominee’s moral uprightness and personal ethics . However family relationships are not considered due to possible complexities that cannot be understood by jurists from afar.

Personal image
While acknowledging personal image can be a managed aspect of a corporate executive’s life, we are making it a consideration since, managed or not, it is a major influence in the level of respect accorded an executive level manager. Indeed, management of an executive’s personal image is a major factor that can determine the level of success achieved by the organization he or she is engaged in managing especially where that organization tends to fall under the public spotlight because of the type of activity it engages in.

Professional conduct
The degree of professionalism exhibited by an executive in the meeting of his/her job responsibilities and obligations is a key consideration in our assessment process. This refers to the level of professionalism using a wide definition that includes the nominee’s approach to the job itself, as well as to stakeholders, shareholders, superiors, peers, subordinates, suppliers customers etc all inclusive.

Professional image
As with personal image, professional image can be managed but to a much lesser degree making this aspect of the assessment more straightforward that personal image . For the purposes of this award scheme professional image refers to the professional reputation of a nominee as captured by membership of professional bodies, professional publications credited to the nominee and awards conferred on the nominee for professional achievement.

The Ashanti Business Merit Awards | Date: 24th May 2024 | 6:00pm

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