The Ashanti Business Merit Awards scheme is an innovative new awards initiative run by The Business Executive Media Group. Under this unique awards scheme formal appreciation and recognition will be conferred on corporate entities in both the private and public sectors, active in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, as well as individual entrepreneurs and corporate executives that have exhibited exemplary performance and/or conduct in various aspects of their activities. While the TBE Media Group organizes various nationally and internationally acclaimed awards schemes for business enterprises and institutions, both private and public, there is inevitably a tendency for such formal recognition to be skewed towards national capital cities. This is the general trend we have observed across Africa and Ghana is no exception.

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There are four categories of potential awardees under this scheme as follows:

Private enterprises engaged in socio-economic activity, that are domiciled and are operationally active in Ashanti Region, being on Ghana’s Register of Companies

Public corporations/institutions engaged in socio-economic activity in the Ashanti Region, that are wholly or partly state owned;

Private sector top level business entrepreneurs and corporate executives who are domiciled and working in the Ashanti Region, irrespective of their nationality.

Private sector top level business entrepreneurs and corporate executives who are not permanently domiciled and working in the Ashanti Region, but whose businesses are active within the Region, irrespective of their nationality.

Top level executives, of wholly or partly state owned public corporations/institutions active in the Ashanti Region.

Entrepreneurs/ top tier managers of businesses not active in the Ashanti Region but who hail from the Region.

Nomination Ongoing

The Ashanti Business Merit Awards | Date: 24th May 2024 | 6:00pm

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